2025 Officers of Lavonia Lodge No. 241, F&AM

On behalf of the members of Lavonia Lodge No. 241, F&AM, I would like to congratulate the 2025 Officers of the Lodge. 

John L. King, Sr. was elected Worshipful Master of the Lodge. 

Bros. Scott H. O'Barr and Robert M. Ogburn were elected Senior and Junior Wardens, respectively.

WBs Mark A. Sewell and Joshua M. Blakely were re-elected to their positions as Treasurer and Secretary, respectively.

And congratulations to the brothers appointed to stations within the Lodge. 

Reverend Brother Benjamin F. Johnson, III, was re-appointed as Chaplain. WB J. D. "Jackson" Rogers was appointed Senior Deacon, and Brother J. Craig Hughes was appointed Junior Deacon.

WB Thomas R. Craig was re-appointed Senior Steward and Bro. Howard G. Farmer, Jr. was appointed Junior Steward.

And Brother G. Kirk Strange was appointed Tyler.

Congratulations to the Officers and Brothers of Lavonia Lodge No. 241. We're going to do something special in 2025, and we couldn't have done it without WB Shannon L. Thomas, who just finished his tenure as Master. 

WB Shannon Thomas, Fellow of the Quarry of Solomon Society

At the September 10, 2024 meeting of Lavonia Lodge No. 241, F&AM, WB Shannon Thomas was presented his patent and welcomed into the Quarry of Solomon Society, which is a prestigious organization that is dedicated to promoting the principles and values of Freemasonry in Georgia, and membership is a mark of distinction within the craft. 

Congratulations to WB Shannon, and welcome to the Quarry!

The End of an Era

An era in Lavonia Lodge No. 241, F&AM history ended this morning.

In 1961, the Lodge, with the assistance of Brother Hugh Whitworth, purchased the old Ford's Theater, which had burned (twice by some accounts). The Brothers of Lavonia Lodge then undertook the onerous task of rebuilding the theater and making it into their Masonic hall. They moved in a few years later after rebuilding.

In the earliest maps that we've found of the City of Lavonia (Fire Insurance Map from 1911, Sanborn Map Company), Lavonia Lodge was located in the second floor of the Alexander's Flowers building (blue circle in first image) and the Ford Theater site was a residence (red circle in first image).

In a subsequent release of maps by the same company in 1924, the Lodge was still in the same location (blue circle in second image), but instead of a residence, Sewell's Garage was located in what would later become the Ford Theater site (red circle in second image).

Eventually, Sewell's Garage closed its doors and the Ford Theater set up shop (date unknown). Lavonia Lodge members used to hear stories about the Ford Theater from Mrs. Margaret Ayers, who used to work there when she was young. (See third and fourth images).

Finally, after an unknown number of fires, Lavonia Lodge took over the property, rebuilt the building (see image five), and met there for over sixty years see image six).

It's bittersweet, seeing the demolition (see images seven, eight, and nine) of the Lodge that so many of us met at for so long, but Lavonia Lodge No. 241, F&AM is moving onward and upward, to bigger and better things... and we're just getting started.

Dedication of Lavonia Masonic Center, and More!

At a Called Communication of Lavonia Lodge No. 241, F&AM, on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, we hosted an Emergent Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Georgia, F&AM, for the purpose of Dedicating the Lavonia Masonic Center. 

MWBro. Ben W. Polston, II, Grand Master of Masons in Georgia, and many of his Grand Lodge Officers, performed a Dedication of Masonic Hall Ceremony in the presence of our Brothers, family, and friends.

And in true Lavonia Lodge fashion, we added a twist. After the Dedication ceremony, Worshipful Master Shannon L. Thomas recognized the many Past Masters in attendance, as well some of our local elected officials. Then, with the assistance of MWB Polston, they presented a 60 Year Award to WB Albert E. Childs, Jr., who was Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in 1963 and presided over Lavonia Lodge in 1974. WB Childs was joined by his lady, Mrs. Bobbie Childs; Bro. Beau Childs, Mrs. Tonya Childs, and Master Landon Childs (son, daughter-in-law, and grandson). 

WB Thomas then, with the assistance of Bro. Howard Farmer, presented MWB Polston with an honorary membership to Lavonia Lodge No. 241, F&AM.

MWB Polston then told the assembled crowd about his programs for the year, with an emphasis on the Masonic Home of Georgia (https://masonichomeofgeorgia.com/) and the services that it has provided for Georgia children for well over 100 years.

We were honored to have our families and friends, as well as 76 Brothers, representing 21 Lodges from two different states, and the elected councilmen from two local cities, join us for this momentous occasion.

... and we're just getting started!

The Lodge Renovation Project - Part 2

Lavonia Lodge No. 241, F&AM, is continuing to thrive

In the past few months, the Brothers of Lavonia Lodge have been hard a work completing the Lodge renovations. This week, we finally got there.

We started with a Lodge room that was too small, a long hallway full of bare walls, and stacks of photos and Lodge history just lying around. Now we have this (see photos below). Thank you to all the Brothers who've made this transformation a success. And we're just getting started!

Masonic Education and Leadership Development Presentations

A the August 13, 2024 meeting of Lavonia Lodge No. 241, F&AM, Bro. Craig Faulkner, Masonic Education and Leadership Development (MELD) District Director (and his bright red shoes), presented certificates to the Brothers who attended and participated in the most recent Lavonia Lodge MELD Training Seminar, which focused on Masonic Investigation and Mentorship.

From Left to Right: Bros. John L. King, Sr.; David L. Post; Shannon L. Thomas; Josh Blakely; Johnny E. Coxx; Craig Faulkner; Mark A. Sewell; Mark R. Adams; and W. Tommy Sears.

UPDATE - Georgia CHIP (Child Identification Program) Event - July 16, 2024

UPDATE: Thank you to Brothers Phil Flattley, John King, and Mark Sewell, who helped with the Child Identification Program event. All told, we helped the families of ten children in adding a little bit of protection to their families.

Due to the recent alarming number of missing children reported in the news, Lavonia Lodge No. 241, F&AM will be hosting the Georgia Child Identification Program (GA CHIP) at the Lavonia Masonic Center on Tuesday, July 16. We will begin at 12 noon so that interested parents can bring their children by before the Carnegie Library's Summer Reading Program begins. We will stay as late as needed to help every interested parent or guardian.

GA CHIP is completely FREE of charge, and the only information retained is the signed permission slip. Upon completion, all collected information is turned over to the child's parent or guardian.

GA CHIP is a resource that parents can turn over to law enforcement in case a child is ever reported abducted or missing, and stores the following information in one place:

If you're interested in having a kit for your child/children, please join us. If you know of a parent who might be interested, please share this post with them.

Please take a look at the brochure or video below, and we hope you'll join us on July 16.

If someone other than the Parent/Guardian will be bringing the child to the GACHIP event, please complete the following Permission Slip for each child and bring it with them when they come. 



60 Year Award Presentation - Bro. Ben Johnson

At the June 25, 2024 meeting of Lavonia Lodge No. 241, F&AM, WB Walter McCannon, District Deputy to the Grand Master of Masons in Georgia presented a 60 Year Award and Apron to Brother Benjamin F. Johnson, III, in the presence of numerous members of his family.

Lavonia Lodge counts itself lucky to have a Brother as wonderful as Bro. Ben. We love you.

The Lodge Renovation Project

Lavonia Lodge No. 241, F&AM, is thriving. As a result, our Lodge Room was bursting at the seams. The decision was made a few months ago to renovate, remove/relocate the West wall 20' further back, and reconfigure the seating... and renovate we have.

We have tried to take pictures to keep track of our progress, and we'd love to share them with you here!

This was when we realized we needed more space.

The demolition begins.

Where'd that new wall come from?

The flooring came in.

Our Masons can install flooring, too.

Where we're at today.

And we're just getting started.

25 Year Award Presentation - Bro. David H. Gill

At the April 23, 2024 Meeting of Lavonia Lodge No. 241, F&AM, WM Shannon L. Thomas (left) presented Bro. David H. Gill (right) with his 25 Year Certificate and Apron. 

Note: This presentation was VERY late. Bro. Gill is just two years away from reaching his 50 Year Milestone. The Award was apparently misplaced and was found when moving to the new Lavonia Masonic Center. We look forward to presenting Bro. Gill with his 50 Year Award in a more timely manner.

The Entered Apprentice Meeting

A Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons was opened by the Officers of Lavonia Lodge No. 241 on the morning of March 2, 2024, for a Called Communication for the purpose of conferring the Entered Apprentice Degree. We had 31 in attendance, including 13 visiting Brothers representing six different Lodges (Royston Lodge No. 52; Snellville Lodge No. 99; Lexington Lodge No. 158; John H. Jones Lodge No. 348; Hebron Lodge No. 564; and Grove Lodge No. 652).

Thank you to all who came out and made this event and helped make it special for our new Entered Apprentice Brother Cody Shattles.

25 Year Award Presentation - WB Mark A. Sewell

At the February 27, 2024 Meeting of Lavonia Lodge No. 241, F&AM, WM Shannon L. Thomas (left) presented WB Mark A. Sewell (right) with his 25 Year Certificate, Apron, and Pin. 

Lavonia Lodge No. 241 Officers - 2024

At the Annual Communication of Lavonia Lodge No. 241 in December, the Lodge voted for its 2024 Officers.

WM Shannon L. Thomas

SW Matthew L. Johnson

JW John L. King, Sr.

Treasurer Mark A. Sewell

Secretary Joshua M. Blakely

Chaplain Benjamin F. Johnson, III

Senior Deacon Michael P. Ruff

Junior Deacon Evan L. Herring

Senior Steward Thomas R. Craig

Junior Steward Robert M. Ogburn

Tyler Ivan D. Haynes, Jr.

Lavonia Lodge No. 241 Honors Its Veterans

(L to R) WM Shannon L. Thomas; WB Thomas R. Craig (USAF); WB William A. Pankey, III (USAF); Bro. John L. King, Sr. (USN); WB R. Benjamin Shiretzki, Jr. (USArmy); Bro. Howard G. Farmer, Jr. (USArmy); Bro. Ivan D. Haynes, Jr. (USN). Not Pictured - WB C. N. Chastain (USN)

At the November 14 Communication of Lavonia Lodge No. 241, and in commemoration of Veteran's Day, WM Shannon Thomas recognized our Veterans.

After thanking them for their service and sacrifice, WM Thomas brought them forward and presented them with a Masonic Veteran's Challenge Coin.

Lavonia Lodge thanks our Veterans for their Service. 

Announcement: Lavonia Masonic Center 

Brothers and Friends, at a recent meeting of Lavonia Lodge No. 241, the Brothers of the Lodge decided to allow the Great Room (dining hall area) to be rented out for private events. This follows with the tradition of the Community Center providing event space to the public. Many of us, over the years, have attended events that were held at the Community Center, and many family reunions and traditions center around this space.

Recently, the City of Lavonia Downtown Development Authority reached out to us and asked if we could accommodate some groups during the month of December, since the renovations at the new Lavonia Community Center (the old Woodmen of the World building) are not complete. As such, we currently have three bookings for the month of December, with a few more pending.

At this time, and due to the speed at which this has occurred, the Lodge has decided to honor the deposit and rental fees used by the City of Lavonia, which are $150 for the deposit, and $150 for the event space rental.

If you are interested  in hosting an event in Lavonia, please take a look at the "Lavonia Masonic Center" tab at the top of this page. Feel free to refer your friends and family to the page as well, for more information. The calendar on the page shows the dates available and provides instructions for booking.

And keep checking in on the page, because we are actively making updates to the building and the amenities available.

Lavonia Masonic Center - lavoniamasoniccenter@gmail.com 

Lavonia Has Lost a Treasure

Mrs. Margaret L. Ayers passed away on Tuesday, October 10, 2023, at the age of 96.

Mrs. Margaret was a fixture in Lavonia, Georgia, and a long-time supporter of Lavonia Lodge No. 241. She grew up in a Masonic family, being the daughter of WB Fred E. Lee and the sister of Bro. Freddie Lee, both of our Lodge. She was also the widow of WB Herman P. Ayers. Mrs. Margaret was also a member of the Lavonia Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star (see photo - Margaret is on the front row, left). 

She will be greatly missed by the Lodge and the Community.

Masonic Home Fundraiser Meeting - September 26, 2023

Brothers and Friends, at the September 26, 2023 Regular Communication of Lavonia Lodge No. 241, we held an OPEN meeting/fundraiser event for the Masonic Home of Georgia. 

The event featured a steak dinner; a silent auction; a special guest from the Masonic Home of Georgia; and a same-day raffle for Masons only (EA, FC, and MMs). 

The same-day raffle tickets for a Henry Goldenboy Freemason Tribute Rifle were sold, and a winner announced.

Mr. Andrew Schmakel, of Phantom Fireworks, presented a "big check" to the members of Lavonia Lodge (see photo below).

At the end of the evening, when all the money was collected, WM Shannon Thomas and Bro. Ed Perkins (Masonic Home Ambassador for the Lodge) presented a check to Mr. Jeff Cohen, Executive Director of the Masonic Home of Georgia, for $2325 (see photo below).

Thank you to all who attended and help make this venture a success. 

Bro. Ed Perkins, Mr. Jeff Cohen, WM Shannon Thomas

Raffled off at the Masonic Home Event

Mr. Andrew Schmakel (Phantom Fireworks) presented a Big Check to Lavonia Lodge No. 241

An Action Packed Meeting on September 12, 2023

Brothers, you missed a great meeting on Tuesday, September 12. 

It was only our second meeting at our new location, but all the seats were filled. 

Lavonia Lodge No. 241 hosted visiting Brothers from in and out of state. WB Eddie M. Addison, Past Master of Spring Lodge No. 1174, AF&AM of Spring, Texas; and Brother Cory A. Baird, Junior Steward of Carson Valley Lodge No. 33, F&AM of Gardnerville, Nevada were present. Also present were Brothers from Grove Lodge No. 652, Mt. Airy Lodge No. 141, and John H. Jones Lodge No. 348.

We discussed the final stages of our relocation, held a Special Election to fill an officer vacancy (due to resignation), learned of new Committee appointments, and planned for upcoming fundraisers.

Finally, several presentations were made. WB R. Ben Shiretzki, Jr., was belatedly presented with his 25 year award, as well a that of his late brother, Bro. Harry Shiretzki. Bro. Randall S. West was also presented with his Lodge apron. 

Please make plans to join us soon, as big things are coming!

WB Thomas presents WB Ben Shiretzki with his 25 Year Award.

WM Thomas presents Bro. Randall West with his apron.

New Lodge/Old Lodge Work/Moving Day

Strange title, good day. We met at the new Lodge building on Saturday, August 5, at 9AM. We cleaned out and cleaned up the temporary Lodge Room.

Then we migrated to the old Lodge building and moved and cleaned the Lodge furniture that we need for the new Lodge.

Then we got our new (temporary) Lodge room set up!

We had a great day, and thank you to all the Brothers, and Mrs. Alexx, for all the help!

These were the trucks and trailers, lined up down Vickery Street, loading the things we needed for the move!

On January 24, 2023, Lavonia Lodge No. 241, F&AM, will be conferring the Entered Apprentice Degree on candidates from both Lavonia and Grove Lodges. The degree conferral will be conducted by a team of officers from both Lodges. 

New Master Masons - November 20, 2022

At the November 22, 2022 meeting of Lavonia Lodge No. 241, Fellow Craft Brothers Evan Herring and John King were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason.

They stood for an examination for their proficiency on the Master’s Catechism on January 10, and passed.

We are very proud of Bros. Herring and King.

The 2022 Lodge Fundraiser is about to kick-off, and tickets will soon be available. This year's raffle is as follows, and features three prizes:

1. Radical Firearms AR 5.56 Rifle 

2. Springfield XDS 9mm Handgun with a Crimson Trace Red Dot optic

3. $100 Gift Certificate to LA Armory

Please let us know if you want tickets. The cost of these tickets is $20 each, or 6 tickets for $100.

Thank you all in advance for helping us out with this fundraiser.

Lavonia Police Chief Receives Prestigious Award

(September 7, 2022 Daniel Brown -92.1 WLHR News - https://921wlhr.com/lavonia-police-chief-receives-prestigous-award/) - Brother Carlisle is a member of Lavonia Lodge No. 241, F&AM.

Lavonia Police Chief Bruce Carlisle was recently awarded the 2022 Judge Arthur M. Kaplan First Responder Leadership Award. 

The award was presented by Ancient And Accepted Scottish Rite Valley Of Atlanta last week at the Atlanta Masonic Center in downtown Atlanta. 

Carlisle said the award was great honor but added the award represents all Lavonia law enforcement. 

“I’m very humbled and honored to receive this award.  Anytime that I step outside the city of Lavonia and receive any type of recognition or represent the city, I keep that in mind that I am representing the city of Lavonia.  It’s been such a honor to be here in the city, and we have such great people, and I’m just grateful that I’ve been given the opportunity to put Lavonia on the map a little bit outside of our area and statewide.  Like I say, this is not just something for me.    It’s for the whole city.  It represents who we are and how far that we have come in the field of public safety here in the city.  I’m just honored and humbled to be small part of it.

Carlisle thanked the Lavonia City Council and Mayor Courtney Umbehant for the opportunity to serve the citizens of Lavonia. 

Judge Arthur M. Kaplan First Responder Leadership Award is named in honor of Judge Kaplan who served Atlanta both as a judge and a first responder. 

“I have a lot of friends that worked for the Atlanta Police Department that actually knew the judge and worked with him and told me what a great asset he was to the first responders in the Atlanta area and how many people that he helped along the way during his lifetime.  So this award being named after the judge was quite an honor to him and for his family.”   

Kaplan passed away in 2010 at the age of 84.

According to his obituary in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Kaplan was honored by the Secret Service, trained thousands of law enforcement officers in emergency rescue and on a few occasions personally treated wounded officers even as shots were being fired.

Kaplan taught his lifesaving techniques to officers and Secret Service and FBI agents as well as some probation violators who would appear before him in court.

During his career Kaplan appeared on the television shows To Tell the Truth and he was featured on This Is Your Life. 

Newsweek Magazine included the judge on its list 100 “unsung heroes” of America in 1986.